A HUGE Thank You and How-To Fold a Fitted Sheet

Last night we had our first RP Live event. Recaps will come out throughout the week, but before we get to that in this post, I just want to say thank you so, so, so much to:

  • Our VI(R)Ps David Buckel and Domingo Morales of Red Hook Community Farm - write gina@renaissanceperson.com for info on volunteer opportunities (she'll be there 5/21 from 10:30-1)

  • Gina and Colby's partners, Adam and Robyn (respectively) for volunteering to help out and dealing with our obsession with this project

  • Kevin at Solas NYC for accommodating us last minute


  • Presenter Leigh Toothaker who has been a complete angel and an asset to this project.

Leigh is a dear friend, a fashion designer, an amazing French macaron baker, and ballet, pilates, and tv enthusiast. She's a great host and keeps a wonderful home. She became involved in the project when we were discussing folding fitted sheets at my house. She admitted that she had watched YouTube videos in order to master it. Here's a text exchange from a couple of weeks ago about it.

Clearly I needed some help, so we asked her to come and present. The excitement from our attendees over finally learning to fold a fitted sheet was hilarious. 

So without further ado - here is Leigh's GORGEOUS hand-drawn tutorial (with a shout out to the YouTube video that started it all.)